
Sunt 17644 articole în Azerbaijan baza de date cu coduri poştale, puteţi descărca toate datele după efectuarea plăţii.

Descriere produs

  • Denumire produs : Azerbaijan Bază de date coduri poştale
  • Cod : zipcode-aze
  • Metodă de livrare : Descarcă
  • Disponibilitate articol : Numai Online
  • Data livrării : Clipă
  • Metoda de plată : PayPal
  • Ţară / Regiune : Azerbaijan
  • Prescurtare : AZE
  • Abreviere 2 : AZ

  • Limbă date : Implicit (Azerbaijani)
  • Format fişier : csv, xlsx, txt
  • Dimensiune fişier : 0.77M (ZIP File)
  • Catalog : Series Countries / Regions
  • Exemplu de website : Azerbaijan
  • Preţ de vânzare :USD $ 35.99
  • Ultima actualizare :Iulie-2024

  • Azerbaijan
Câmp listă

  • Postcode: Postal Code
  • Name: This field could be locality, building, agency, or address
  • Rayon: District name
  • Şəhər: City/Municipality name
Product Image
The following is Azerbaijan Bază de date coduri poştale 's product sample image.

Azerbaijan Postcode Database The following is Azerbaijan Postcode Database's product sample data, you can download the free sample sheet to get an overview of Azerbaijan Postcode.
Sample File: Azerbaijan Postal Code Database Sample.xlsx
Mai multe informaţii

This product contains two files, which are Azerbaijan Postal Code Database, Data description file (PDF). After purchasing the data, you can log in to your account to download all the data, and the validity period is 1 month.

Please Note:

* Once the product is sold, the fee will not be refunded.

* The data is for personal use only. Do not copy, disseminate, download, store, or use it publicly.

Exemplu plic
Azerbaijan Exemplu plic
Pentru mai multe explicaţii, citiţi documentul oficial: aze.pdf . (Engleză)