Il y a 1175378 éléments dans la base de données de code postal de Royaume-Uni, Vous pouvez télécharger toutes les données après le paiement.
This product contains two files, which are UK Postal Code Database and Data specification file (PDF). UK postal code data has a total of 1,175,378 items, including countries, counties, districts and other information. The data comes from the UK Post official website. The latest update time is 2021. After purchasing the data, you can log in to your account to download all the data, and the validity period is 1 month.
As a knowledge product, the database has a certain particularity. Please read the purchase instructions carefully before purchasing. Once the product is sold, the fee will not be refunded. Our data comes from the UK official, analyzed and processed by specialized technician to form the final database document. The data is for personal use only. Do not copy, disseminate, download, store, or use it publicly. The interpretation right of the UK postal code database belongs to Wuhan Duoku Science & Technology Co., Ltd.
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